1h 06min | English | 29 April 2019
Betty Garman Robinson was a SNCC staff member from 1964-1966. Here, she talks about how she got involved in the Southern civil rights movement; her experience working in the national office in Atlanta and in Greenwood, Mississippi, during Freedom Summer; her work as the Northern coordinator for the Friends of SNCC program; and finally, her work with and impressions of Julian Bond.

An interview with Betty Robinson for the Julian Bond Oral History Project, sponsored by the School of Public Affairs at American University. Conducted in Baltimore, Maryland, on February 15th, 2019, by Gregg Ivers, Professor of Government at American University and Project Director. Assisted by American University senior Colleen Vivaldi. This project documents the rise of Julian Bond from his early years in the Atlanta student movement to becoming a founding member and later communications director of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) to his rise to national prominence by 1968.
This video is for educational use only. Copyright restrictions may apply.
Project Director: Gregg Ivers, Professor of Government, American University Research and Technical Support: Gracie Brett, Lianna Bright, Audra Gale and Colleen Vivaldi.